Barefoot Running and Minimalism: Good, bad or just plain ugly?


What do you tell your patients who are interested in barefoot running?  This presentation will take the clinician through current research and reasoning behind barefoot running. We will explore who it might be appropriate for, and how to implement it safely in your clinical setting. We will also look at the role and considerations for using minimalist shoes. What does the research say?  Are minimalist shoes safer than traditional footwear, more dangerous or no different from barefoot?

In this presentation we’ll bring the evidence to the table that the barefoot zealots can’t argue with and the shoe jockeys can’t refute.


Presentation Outline

5 min – Introduction and outline

10 min –Review of the conventional view on running shoe prescription

10 min – Discuss why barefoot running might have a role.

10 min – Discuss the definition and use of minimalist shoes.

10 min – Discuss the role of running technique and supporting research.

10 min – Examples of how barefoot running might be utilised in a running program including consideration of surface and injury considerations.

5 min – Conclusions, Q & A