Part 2/3 Functional Strength and Conditioning: Kinetic Link Training (KLT)

At the completion of this webinar series, participants should be able to:

1) Apply the principles of functional resistance training to assist in designing effective exercise programs

2) Develop periodised functional strength and conditioning programs

3) Utilise concepts such as the kinetic-link principle, dynamic stabilisation and energy system training

4) Classify and develop exercises as single joint isolation, multi-joint compound or full body integrated training

5) Describe exercises with respect to movement patterns rather than muscle groups

6) Systematically progress athletes from basic functional training to advanced sports conditioning

7) Manipulate program variables to train specifically for endurance, hypertrophy, maximum strength or explosive power

8) Recognise musculoskeletal functional slings and train across these systems to stimulate global core stability

9) Demonstrate proficiency in both designing a comprehensive progression of resistance training exercises from basic functional training to advanced sports conditioning